tiistai 21. tammikuuta 2014

Twitter exercise

Mieti alleviivatuille sanoille suomennokset tai selitykset.
Twitter is an online social networking service. It’s also called a microblog.

A Twitter message is called ‘a tweet’. The length of one tweet is 140 characters.

The word ‘twitterature’ comes from two words: Twitter and literature.

Here are three examples of twitterature or twitter poetry (= a poem with 140 characters or less). Think Finnish translations for the underlined words.
“He played his music / I wrote the songs / in love / we were invincible” (64 characters)
Love the sea / fear the tide / footprints and words / till none of me remains” (71 characters)
“I love thee / But I fear the sea / No longer will I fight / ‘Cos I can’t find the light” (80 characters)

Now, write your own “Twaiku” (= Twitter poem) or piece of Twitterature about friendship or love in your notebook. If you want, you can use the words given below.
                      love               sea                fight              girl                nice               close
above            me                 right              curl                advice           nose
dove              tree               night              pearl             price              rose
glove             tea                 kite                swirl              ice                 knows
shove             a.s.a.p.          light               hurl               guys               toes

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