lauantai 3. marraskuuta 2012

Interviews and the 80s

Alright, let's make the short story... even shorter. Today we took a look at teen life in the 80s. The parents of our students have been in their teens around that time, so it was interesting for many of the BigCola21 to see what kind of things were in (or ace as they used to put it) back then. We'll spend more time on the 80s during the coming weeks.

In the coming weeks we'll also do interviews with a number of the Pikkola staff. Of course they'll appear on this blog once they're ready! To get us going with interviews, our warm-up task for today was: Which celebrity (past or present) would you like to meet and what would you ask him? Here are some of the results.
I'd like to meet Jared Leto. I'd ask him to tell me everything about making music.
It'd be interesting to meet Adolf Hitler and ask him what sort of dogs he likes.
We'd love to meet Rihanna. The first question we'd ask her is “How are you?” (Yep, that's a polite way to start a conversation.)
I'd like to meet Sauli Niinistö and ask him how you become famous.
Of the many people I'd like to meet, I'd ask Pink what kind of house she lives in. 
So there. Our interviewees at Pikkola aren't multi-millionaire pop stars (not that I know of, at least) but I'm sure the interviews will be interesting anyway. By the way, here's the song of the week by Tiffany. The song is basically about how you become a millionaire. A great choice! We'll be back next Friday!

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