perjantai 12. lokakuuta 2012

School cafeteria all shiny and new

BigCola News, part one: School cafeteria all shiny and new
By Wayne Teller and Eltz Viper

Pikkola school cafeteria is back in business.

We went to interview Kirsti Krekula, the supervisor of Pikkola school cafeteria, because we wanted to learn more about the school cafeteria and about the repairment job. We were excited to go there because we didn’t know what the new kitchen looked like.

Kirsti Krekula has been in Pikkola school for four years. When we asked her how Pikkola has changed from the time it was built, she told us that she hadn’t been in Pikkola school when she was younger but she has been told that back then students didn’t get to decide how much food they were able to get, because the food was given to the students straight on the plate. The system has changed. Nowadays students can decide the amount of food they want to get. She thinks it’s a good step forward.

The lunch buffet waiting for the students.

She told us that the repairment job had brought more space to the dining hall and all sorts of new and helpful devices to the kitchen. It also has brought more tables and freezers to the kitchen. The new machines also make dishwashing easier and faster. So the students don’t have to wait in the line that much anymore.

At the end of the interview she wanted to say something to the students too : ”During the repairment everything went well, there were even special arrangements and the students were suprisingly patient. Of course the students also have a lot of things to improve on. If everyone remembers the rules of the cafeteria, we all are more comfortable to be here. Every now and then we have to remind the students about those rules, but generally I have positive things to say to students. It’s going well.”

Cooking for 21? Not a problem!

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