perjantai 22. marraskuuta 2013

Jobs --> Money!

Having spent the last few entries writing about work and jobs, it's time for the thing that (sometimes) comes after work - money. We discussed some very surprising facts about money. Did you know that you have to earn 2800 euros per month to be included in the richest 1% of the world's population? Everyone here thought that was a staggering fact. The downside is that about 40% of the people in the world live with less than 2,50 dollars per day (that's 75 dollars or 55 euros per month).

But can money buy happiness? That was our topic when we watched the interesting documentary film The Queen of Versailles. Here's what the BigCola pupils thought.

Can money buy happiness?

Humans have used money for a long time. At first it was squirrel skins or something alike or people simply bartered their goods. Today we use paper bills and coins as currency. Despite the fact that we have used all kinds of things as payment people have always liked to buy good looking jewellery or beautiful clothes but does it make you happy when you buy them.
I think that for poor people money can definitely buy happiness because they haven’t been on luxurous vacations or bought things that they’ve always wanted because they couldn’t afford it. Some people can’t even afford to buy food to their family and if they would get a little extra money they would be very happy to stay alive and not die of starvation. For rich people I think it’s quite different. They’ve always gotten whatever they want whenever they want and they have always been able to eat their stomach full. At a later age they will not get joy from new things and their life will sometimes be less happy than the poor people’s lives.
Some people think that money can never buy happiness because we don’t really need fancy stuff to make us happy. Instead interacting with people, laughing with your friends and having a good time will make you happy. I agree with them but I also think that for someone buying something can bring happiness.
All in all I think that it’s possible for many who are not so rich and probably for many rich people as well to buy happiness.
Wayne Teller

In the world there’s many different kind of people. There’s rich, poor and somewhere between them. You really can’t tell whose are happy and whose not. Does happiness really depend on money?
I think that money can’t buy happiness. Money can buy things what you need to stay alive or makes you happy temporary. What really make people happy are other people and the things you do. Some rich people who have friends and family can say that they are happy, but that doesn’t maybe have anything to do with money. You don’t make friends with money, but with your own personality and just being who you are. People who don’t have a lot of money can be much happier than some really rich people. In the end, money is just an object wich you can buy another objects.
Jane Lauper

We watched a movie last week in class. It was about a family that had lots of money but lost almost everything because of America’s stock market went down.
In my opinion you can be happy without money. Of course you need money to buy food and necessary clothes and stuff. But you don’t need like a million euros or dollars to be happy, but with that money you are in a quite safe situation for taxes and those things.
Here in Finland there are lots of people that have average incoming. That’s about 3200 euros per month. In Finland you are marked as ‘’poor’’ if your incoming is 1600 or lower. But, can those ‘’poor’’ people live a happy life? I think they can. If a poor family’s children like to play football, he can play it because it’s not such an expensive hobby.
Some of the rich people may think that poor people can’t live a happy life because of little money. Rich children’s parents can buy them almost everything and they can play any sport they want, expensive or cheap.
So in my opinion being a poor in some cases doesn’t make life bad. In those African countries that people need to almost fight for water and food the life is not happy. But here in Finland and other countries that don’t have starvation, the people can live a happy life even if you were poor or rich.
Max Corvin

I think that money can’t buy happiness. It doesn’t matter if you are rich or poor you can still be happy or sad, but rich people don’t have to worry about money and poor people are maybe worrying about money. I think that if you don’t have money you should think other things that are good in your life right now. Some people think that they can’t do anything if they don’t have that much money. If rich people would be put for a week to live in poor people’s life maybe they would understand that they do not need everything in the world and would start to save that use.
Iris Hill

Last week we watched a documentary in class. It was about David Siegel’s family and company. David Siegel owns the world’s largest timeshare company and his businesses went really good, until the stock market crash came. He lost almost everything and his family was confused and didn’t know how to live without all the cleaners and babysitters.
Can money buy happiness? I think that you can have happiness without money, but you can buy those little and big things with money, and they make you happy. But if your whole world is about money, then you should think that what has gone wrong. Nowadays there are lots of people who have many unpaid bills and loans because they can’t control their shopping addict, and that’s not normal anymore.
There are also many people who think that money can really buy happiness, except the Siegel family. They have a massive house, lots of toys, electricity, clothes, own plane and other stuff, and they seem quite happy with all the items. But when they lost almost everything, they didn’t know how to live normally anymore.
So, I think that if you can live without your own plane, 8000 m2 house and all the expensive bags, clothes and games, your life can be much happier with a normal amount of money and items.
Nora Lakeside

We watched a movie about money and rich people. Story told about women, who didn´t know how to spend her money. I think that movie was quite boring. Story told us how to not spent money and how it look when you spent money wrong way. It was fun and boring to watch rich people life.
I think the movie was boring, nut some people can learn many things from it. They can learn that if you rich you not always happy and you can´t always buy anything. I think that you can’t buy happiness, but you can buy things that make you happy. Sometimes only clothes or food can make person happy. But to me happiness is being with family and friends. You can’t buy real friends or family.
If you watch from other point of view they can buy anything and live happy life how they want, but they don’t always have happy family life and many good friends. Usually they say themselves, that they would like more to live normal life than rich life. Some people think, that rich people think only about money and they´re stupid.
So people are different and they make their own decisions. Everyone isn’t rich, but usually they have more quality time with friends and family than rich. Rich have to do work all the time, but normal person can do more things with family and friends. Other people would like to be rich, but I think that I would like to be normal person and have family and friends. I would never like to live in castle. Everyone make their own decision. You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy things that make you happy or make you closer to your happiness.
Elisabeth Jenkins

Money is very important thing if you really want to live. Without money, you can’t eat, drink, or live under the roof. But if you have it too much, and you don’t control it anymore, it can literally destroy your life. It’s great if you have enough money to feed your family and buy stuff, but everyone should keep it under control, like we saw in a documentary called Queen of Versailles.
I think money can buy temporary happiness, because every time I buy something nice, I become happier than usual for a moment. But I don’t think you can buy happiness if you are a billionaire or a millionaire, because happiness isn’t really a thing you can just buy.
If I had 1 000 000 euros, I would worry too much about everything and be paranoid that someone just wants to be my friend because of my money. I would become much happier, if I donated part of the money in charity, than if I just bought everything nice to myself. But still, it doesn’t matter if you are poor or rich, you can still be happy or sad. Money does not define your personality.
So I think that you can’t buy enduring happiness with your money. In the documentary I didn’t see happy faces at the end, so it was just temporary. I think they would have better life with less money.
Ida Cole

Many people think that money CAN just buy you happiness, but I really disagree on that. Money doesn’t just instantly make you happy and you can’t either just buy happiness, except if what you buy gives you the happiness. Some people can become really happy if they buy something like a new car or a new house, but some people are also really happy if they just have food on the table, a pleasant job and a family, in my opinion you shouldn’t need things like a nice car or a nice house and a lot of money to be happy, I think you can be really happy if you just have some good friends, a home, a family and food on the table and I’m really happy to have all of those.
Oskar Gant

This is a very difficult question, is it true or false? What do you want to do in your life? Spend a lot of money or spend memorable time with people you love?
It’s true, that you can buy whatever you want with money. But are you happy then? Because in the end of your life, it doesn’t matter how much money or stuff you have. It’s much more important how much memories you have. In my opinion I think that with money you can buy momentary happiness, but there must be something weightier than materialism. For example if you’re a millionaire but you live alone without friends or family, you just have your money. Are you happy when you die? Because other people might have a big family and lots of friends, but they don’t have as much money as you have. I prefer to be that second one.
Other people have of course different opinions. A rich one can think that she or he has as much as possible money to use, like in a document called Queen of Versailles. Someone might be so dependent on shopping, that it is impossible to start to save money.
But a millionaire can be happy with the money, and a not rich one can be happy without so much money. It doesn’t all depend on money, luckily there is still a lot of free things in the world!
Kathy Spoon

I’m sure that very several people think that with money you can buy happiness. But is it true? When you have money, you can buy all things what you need, want and you only get momentary happiness from your purchases. You can buy expensive brand clothes for example Louis Vuitton’s bags and Chanel’s shoes. The bare truth is: Happiness won’t last your whole life.
People can manage when they don’t have that much money. Many people’s wage isn’t maybe that good as someone else but they can still be happy. You don’t need houses which is worth of millions and 200 000 euro’s car to be a happy person. Of course there are people (usually millionaires) who think that money is all what they need and they don’t even want anything else to their lives. Even very poor people can be happy if they have family and friends.
My opinion is that money won’t make you happy. Your family, friends, job, hobbies and relatives should be enough to make you happy. If you are healthy and free, you should be happy about it. If you’re not happy at the time, figure out some different experience and make your life a little bit different. Do something nice with your friends, decorate your house again or just be with people who you love.
So, you don’t need money to be a happy person. Enjoy your life as it is now and don't worry your money things. Tell your love ones that you love them, it makes your day better. Just remember, money is not that thing what make you happy.
Marie Rivers

Money can make your life better in some ways, but it´s hard to say can you buy true love or happiness with money. The thing in money, what can make you happier is financial freedom. If you don´t have to be always worried about that you have enough money to pay bills and buy food and clothes it´s much easier to be. Other good thing in wealth is that you don’t have to be working so much for money if you don’t want. That gives you time and freedom to do other things like travel or something like that. Of course it´s sometimes nice to buy expensive luxury things too if you have money, but I don’t think it´s the thing in money what makes you happy, if it does.
It´s got to remember that big wealth gives you big responsibility and wealth can stress you.
It can make you materialistic and make you close your eyes for the real things, like friends and family.
Thomas Walt

Some people think that money can buy happiness. Some people think that money can buy momentary happiness and the others think that money can’t buy happiness. When you have some pairs of expensive shoes or some expensive clothes or something else expensive, does it make you happy? Of course when you have a lot of money you can buy everything you want and need, but many people can survive with a little less money. When you get an average wage, you have usually money to buy everything what you need but don’t always have everything what you want. You can be happy without money, but you have to glad of some other things.
I think that money can’t buy happiness. I think that money can maybe buy some momentary happiness for example when you buy some new cloth. But I think that many people are happy some days but then they forget it. My opinion is that happiness comes from the other things for example family and friends. Money can never make you happy for rest of your life.
If you are millionaire you can maybe be happy. You can carry out your dreams, if you need lots of money to carry your dream out. Millionaires life is maybe little easier when they don’t need to worry about the money things. But if is thought that thing from another opinion the poor people can live easy and with no worries. Some people have maybe different dream that the carry it out don’t need any money. Everyone can live happiness with no money.
This thing compressed is that everybody in this world can live happiness without money. But if you have money, you can also be happy. You have to find happiness somewhere different thing. Love your live and don’t worry your money things.
Paulina Rock

Very many people think that with money you can buy happiness. But is it true? With money you can get everything what you want. Even if you had ten pairs of Prada and Gucci shoes is it enough to make you really happy? Some people have addiction to buy everything what they see and they think that all that material would make them happy. But that is just part time happiness. After a while they go and buy another pair of shoes because the first ones didn’t make them happy enough. And this goes on and on.
In my opinion money isn’t the thing that should give you the biggest happiness. It should be your friends, relatives, family and other important things. When you die it isn’t important how many pairs of shoes you own. The most important thing is the time you’ve spent with your love ones. All the precious memories and experiences are the ones that remind people of you. With money you can’t buy friends or good memories you have to be yourself to have them.
If you are a millionaire you can think that money can buy happiness. But if you get an average wage you know that you can’t have everything what you want but you still can deal with the money you have. You don’t have to be a millionaire to be happy. Still a millionaire can be happy about other things too even if they have a lot of money.
With money you can’t buy true happiness. But if you have it, enjoy it but remember to cherish it. Nothing lasts forever so remember to concentrate on things that are important to you.
Kate Ronney

In a documentary called Queen Of Versailles we saw a family, which was a very very rich family. They had a lot of stuff in their home, they bought new stuff everyday, because they were use to it. Almost everytime when they were shopping, they bought new toys for kids. Every time. The kids were spoiled and they had a nanny. The nanny spent time with the kids more than their mom did. Money brought some kind of happiness for this family. They had very big dreams and one of them was the biggest house in the America. They started to build the house and at the same time their dreams was growing and they were so proud of the biggest house in the America.
The rooms were huge, Jacqueline Siegel has bigger room for only her shoes that many other Americans’s have their whole house. David Siegel has many businesses and they sold a lot of resorts and made money from that. But when the stock market crashed, they very really in trouble. David had borrowed money. And now we are talking about a large amount of money, millions. They didn’t get their dream house ready, because they didn’t have enough money for that. The bank told them to sell the house, but there wasn’t anyone who wanted to buy it. David was very depressed because he didn’t know should he sell a piece of his business, because the bankruptcy was very near. They sold one of their businesses.
I think that money can make you happy for a little while, because you can buy some awesome, lovely new things, like what ever you want. But usually it gets out of hand if you have too much money. You can’t think about poor people, maybe you don’t care about them anymore. If you lose your money, how can you live without it, if you’re so hooked on it and buying things?
Some people don’t want so much money, they don’t need it. The most important thing is that they get their food on the table and they can buy the bills. It’s enough for them and they are happy. They think that it’s more important to have good relationships with their friends and family. People are happiest when they have someone to love to and someone who loves them.
Some people think that they can have everything, if they have just enough money. I don’t think they’re thinking right, ‘cause this kind of people live for only themselves, not for everyone else’s good.
So the most important thing is that you can live, you are not starve to death, you have clothes and you can sometimes buy something you like, you have people around you and you are a real, caring person. That will make you happy, not money.
Mary Rabine

We watched a documentary about the life of David A. Siegel and his wife, and I was asked to do an essay based on that documentary of the subject “can money buy happiness? “.
David met his wife at a model competition. They have 30 years of age difference and David is filthy rich. David said that he also helped George W. Bush to become a president. Although there is no evidence to prove this “fact” legit because he refused to talk about it; it may have not been fully legal.
David’s parents were well known in Las Vegas Casino. Every time they went there they were offered front seat tickets to Elvis Presley show etc. David was the owner of WestGate hotel and the biggest living house in Unites States. The living house territory was huge enough to fit the whole Disneyland center in there. It was also bigger than the White House!
On the year 2008 there was a huge economic crisis in the US. Enormous amount of people lost their job and company leaders were giving their best to save their company from becoming bankrupt. Even David had to cut his budget and start saving money, although his wife was still shopping and wasting a lot of money on stuff they didn’t actually even need. David eventually had to fire 6000 workers and lose WestGate due to unpaid taxes. He tried to find money to save it but it was hopeless.
I personally think that money can buy temporary happiness which won’t last for long. I think David would have managed way better if he would have just been less greedy and if he would have used money in a smarter way instead of just throwing it in the air. I bet everyone that heard of him or saw him were thinking that his some kind of a important person but actually he’s just a silly guy with a lot of money and who ended up with a bunch of children and no money.
Money can and will buy you happiness, but with it will come great greed and addiction to more money.
Eltz Viper

maanantai 28. lokakuuta 2013

Dream jobs

Hello there, once again! Now that the autumn holiday has gone, it's time to continue with the blog. We'll continue with the same theme - almost, at least - as last time. So this time we're going to tell you about our dream jobs. We'll be back with something different next week.

My number one dream job is a hairdresser. I love to do different things to people hair. I cut my friends' hair and I dye them too. It's fun and in this job you can be creative. Usually many customers became as a friend and it's really nice to talk with them.

I've wanted to be a hairdresser since I was 11 years old. I was very sure, that I'm gonna be a hairdresser, but now I'm totally sure! I was in work practice in hair saloon in May 2013. It was quite an experience to me because I knew well the person who owns this hair saloon and she really needed to dye her hair, so she asked me to do that. It was hard at first but she told me how to do it and now I can dye my own hair and my friends' hair with the best professional technique. In October I'm going to go there again and someday I'm gonna make my dream come true.

Sometimes I wish I could be a psychologist because I'd like to help people with their problems and I'd love to listen them and do my very best, so I probably could help them with their problems, fears, and other sad things. Maybe it's not the right career for me because it might turn that way that my costumers have to listen to me crying because I'll feel sorry for them.

Mary Rabine

When I was five I wanted to be a florist. In the age of ten I wanted to be a pediatrician. Now when I think I would like my job to have something to do with law or bank industry.

I could never be a teacher because I just don't like the idea of it. I kind of like the idea of of beeing an engineer, but for that I should study math and physics which are two subjects I don't really care so much about. I also couldn't be a doctor nowdays because I don't like math and physics and I don't want to take responsibility of people dying.  

Kate Ronney

When I was little, my dream job was be a hairdresser. I admired my two cousins because they are amazing at their jobs and they are both so skillful. The other one of my cousins has an own hairdresser and I love that place. 

I have been there one day in seventh grade and one week in eighth grade when we had TET. Nowadays I don't want to be anymore a hairdresser so much. I don't know yet what I am going to do in my future. Maybe a pediatrician, maybe some person in catering business, but who knows?  

 Marie Rivers

I’ve always liked videogames and learning stuff about computers and consoles. I have thought about programming something myself someday, but I haven’t started anything yet. That is why I would like to learn how to do it and then create something and maybe do it for living.

So my dream jobs would probably be a game programmer or a games creative designer or something alike. Although it doesn’t have to do with games, I can also imagine myself doing some sorts of programs.
Another thing I have always liked is learning new things especially in science and technology. Every time a new science magazine comes with the mail I like to read it because I find it very interesting. History is also quite compelling.

So other awesome jobs I can imagine myself doing are a researcher and a scientist. Although history is interesting I don’t know if I would like to work in the area.  

Wayne Teller

When I was little I wanted to be a hairdresser. I thought that it would be an amazing job but I didn't know why. Now I think that I never could be a hairdresser because I was in TET at the hairdresser's and i don't anymore like it because you have to be very exact when you cut people's hair and you have to be very patient and positive the whole day. When I was little I thought that I never could be a doctor but now when i'm a little bit older, a doctor would be one option. I think that I could be a beautician, too. I have not decided my job of my life yet, but luckily I have a lot of time to decide it. 

Paulina Rock

When I was seven years old, I was sure that I want to be a teacher when I grow up. Now I'm thinking that I couldn't be a teacher. At this moment I don't know what I want to do. Maybe a doctor would be interesting job, but sometimes I'm little bit afraid of sick people. I think that isn't a good thing if I'm a doctor. Now I really don't know what would be my dream job, but I just hope, I will get an idea soon! 

Kathy Spoon

My dream job would probably be some engineering job. For example at car fixing companies etc. I have worked 3 summers now in a metal company in kangasala, and i love that job too because it includes so many activites. For me to be a doctor, chef, police, ambulance or a cashier would be impossible.. Those jobs just don't suit me. But yeah, i prefer a job that needs some thinking and hard work at the same time AND which isn't boring like i said before: A job where you don't do the same thing over and over again. That will just get you depressed. So yeah.. i think that would be my dream job. 

Eltz Viper

I could never be anything that involves office work. I hate being indoors and doing stuff alone. I also have a problem with schedules. I don't like working FOR someone, thats why music is my passion because in a band you work WITH people, not for them.   

Pete Rusky

My dream job is a motocross rider. I like motorbikes and sometimes I watch supercross. Nick Gaustad would be my manager and bike fixer. Some day I'll take a part in a competition with my own bike. 

Max Corvin

When I was little, I wanted to be a firefighter, just like my dad. But I think that's not my dream job anymore. I really don't know what I want to be when I grow up, but I would like to work with people. So, I want a social job, I don't like to work alone. Maybe some kind of travel guide? That would be cool, because I could travel a lot and speak other languanges! 

Nora Lakeside

My dream job would have something to do with science and math. The workplace would have workers from different countries and cultures, so I could speak English with them. I would like to achieve things in my job. I would like to invent new medicines for some dangerous diseases.

My other dream job would be some kind of translator. I could speak and learn many different languages. 

Jane Lauper

maanantai 30. syyskuuta 2013

My TET experiences and expectations

There aren't many articles in the English Wikipedia that have a Finnish word as their title. Sauna is probably one, but can you think of any others? Perhaps surprisingly, practical working experience - TET, in other words - doesn't have an equivalent in the English-speaking world. The next two weeks our students will spend gathering practical working experience. Here are some of their past experiences from 7th and 8th grade as well as expectations for the coming TET week.

On seventh grade I was tet in my mother’s job place called Wawin-Labko. I packed 175 tubes in a bag. It was very boring but I got lot of money doing that. On eight grade I was tet on my old school in Huutijärvi. I was there with my friend Otto. It was very nice job and we have lot of free time here, but also lot of job. I like to do things with little kids, example play football and other excersice with them. I’m not never be a teacher because I don’t like the kids who annoy teachers. Now in ninth grade I’m going to TET my mother job place again with my friend Kalle-Emil. We get there over 200 euros.

Nicklas Gaustad

In 7th grade, I was at Haviseva Elementary school. I worked in the kitchen area, you know, doing dishes and such for six straight hours. I realized that working in a school sucks. In 8th grade, I worked at my mom’s workplace, Work- health facility (Työ-terveys laitos). I lifted boxes and tables etc. It was hard work, but I was happy to do all the physical work, since the office stuff just isn’t for me. Now, in the 9th grade, I’m going to work at ABC Oritupa, a gas station in Orivesi, I will be filling the shelves at the market, and hopefully, I also get to make food there.

Pete Rusky

In 8th grade I was in S-Market Kangasala. I packed products in shelf and cleaned up places. I didn’t like doing the packing ’cause sometimes it hurt my back. I don’t remember where I was in 7th grade, ’cause that year’s TET was only one day. Now in 9th grade I’m going to Kangasalan Kiinteistöpalvelu. I think we cut grass, fix something and clean up places around Kangasala. My expectations about this year’s TET is good ’cause I think I’ll do fine in those jobs. I have one friend that is also coming to Kangasalan kiinteistöpalvelu at the TET. He was with me in S-Market too. This year’s TET is one week long and gives more time to get to know all jobs that people do in Kiinteistöpalvelu. When we went there to apply for a job, we needed to fill some papers with a man who applied us to a job.

Max Corvin

I’ve had two TET places in these last two years. In the 7th grade I was in a hairdresser called FresHair. I spend there one day and it was quite nice. I liked it because it had something to do with beauty. My job wasn’t too difficult or hard. Most of the time I just cleaned the working area. I also helped with all kind of little stuff.

In the 8th grade I was in firm called Polarmatic. It was also nice and I did a lot of office job. I helped with some kind of papers and I emptied old files. The job was also quite relaxed and I was there just two days because I left to Spain for a holiday.

Now I’m going to Riku kindergarten. This time it’s going to be very different from those two other jobs. I like children and I think it’s going to be a lot of fun!

Kate Ronney

I have had two TET places, one in the seventh grade and one in the eighth grade. Both of them have been in my parents’ workplaces and they are graduate engineers. The first one was in Fastems, which is my dad’s workplace and it’s kind of big company. It was very useful to be there, because I got a summer job in Fastems last summer.

The second one TET place was in my mother’s workplace called Polarmatic. It’s quite small firm and my mom works there. I was there only two days, because I left to Spain for a holiday. I helped with paper jobs and that kind of little things.

My last one TET place is going to be a kindergarten called “Rikun päiväkoti”. It’s very different than the other places have been, but I’m looking forward my TET week. It’s also very fun to go there, because when I was younger that was my kindergarten too.

Kathy Spoon

In seventh grade I was in TET in Stocker & Scandinavian Design. It is a clothes shop at Hämeenkatu. My TET in 7th grade lasted just a one day, so there wasn’t so much work for me. I cleaned the floors and mirrors, placed the clothes and that kind of stuff.

In eighth grade I was in Esprit Hämeenkatu. It has the same store manager as my previous TET workplace, so basically it was the same place as last year. I cleaned places, took the garbages out, unwrapped new deliveries and so on. I really liked that week. The employees were really nice to me and the job was interesting.

This autumn I’m going to Kuohu. It’s a public swimming pool in Kangasala and I’m going there with my friend. I’m really looking forward to it!

Nora Lakeside

At seventh grade I was at my dad’s work beacause we had one day TET. I didn’t really like that job but it was only a day. I was cleaning all day. In the eighth grade the TET was 5 days me and my friend was meant to go to Makuuni but they didn’t take there anyone, so we asked everywhere but no one didn’t take us then I have to go again to my dad´s work I didn’t do there much beacause there weren’t anything what I could do. This year I am going to TET to hairdresser. I think it is going to be so much fun and I think it is really interesting job.

Iris Hill

In the 7th grade I worked at my dads company. I mostly just cleaned places up. In the 8th grade I went to my dads company again. That time I emptied a shipping container full of scrap metal, it took me 3 whole days. The rest of the week I was cutting the metal things into smaller pieces with a machine . Now in the ninth grade I’m gonna go work at my dads company again. I think im mostly gonna be cleaning places up again and maybe weld some stuff. I go to work at 8 or 9 at morning and get home at 2 or 3 in the evening. Luckily I get paid for it.

Oskar Gant

I am going to TET to Vesaniemi day care center. I have been there when I was little also. I am going to take care of children and play with them. I think it will be very awesome, because I like kids a lot. I go to the day care center in the morning half past eight and I can go home half past three.

In the seventh grade I was in a little shop called Kemikalio in Kangasala center. I organized products and set the prices. It was a nice place to work.

In the eighth grade I was in a hairdresser in Nekala. It was called FresHair. I cleaned and organized the hairdresser. Then I curled and straightened hair. This hairdresser was an awesome experience, but now I know that I will not be a hairdresser.

Paulina Rock

In 7th grade I was at Liuksiala school as a support teacher. It was amazing experience , because in class was one girl who was half-deaf. I was at school one day, but I did a lot of things. For example I helped pupils to do tasks, helped them with play and went to eat with them. The class teacher was nice and we had good time.

In 8th grade I was in Liuksiala kindergarden. I liked it so much. Children in my group were from 3 to 6 years old. The people there were so nice and felt like I was one of them. I was there one week. In the kindergarden I I played with childrens, eat with them and helped them with growing up. I would like to go there again. When I went go one girl said to me that I could be a good nurse.

Now in 9th grade I’m going to go to English playschool in Kangasala. I wanted something different and I decided to go to English playschool. I hope that it will be cool.

Elisabeth Jenkins

I will go to TET to Liuksiala’s school. It is a primary school in Kangasala. I have studied there when I was little too. I will be in the lessons helping the teacher and students. I can maybe even teach there. My work day will start at nine o’clock and it ends at three o’clock.

In the seventh and eighth grades I was in hairdresser called FresHair in Nekala. That is my cousin’s own place and I really liked to work there. I organized and cleaned the hairdresser and some days I curled hairs. When I was little it was my dream job be a hairdresser, but it is not my dream anymore. Both TETs were an excellent experiences.

Marie Rivers  

I have never been very excited about the TET week but in the eighth grade it went very well. In the eighth grade I went to a company called Trimaster. They design and then build industrial machines or robots. For example if you have ever eaten rice pie it’s probably made by machines from Trimaster. They have made robots for almost every big food/other consumables (like tires) manufacturer here in Finland.

I got the job because my both brothers went there too when they were in the eighth grade. There they let me participate in building of the robots. I helped installing some wires in to a machine witch tested that was the rubber that was placed inside the machine good for tires. I also started building some assembly lines with them. There were many breaks and it was fun working there.

I hope my next TET week will be at least as pleasant as in the eighth grade. I’m going to a printer store near our school. The store is called EHD Finland. When I went there asking if I could go there to work for the week they sounded a bit demanding. The founder of the company told me that he had bad experiences about students who had worked there. Some had used phones and didn’t do what they were supposed to do. But he said that he will give me the job because I came asking all by myself and not with my parents or friends. I hope it goes well.

Wayne Teller